Hussam Habib
Profile Picture

Hi! I research the online platforms and personalization. I am interested in understanding how recommendation systems shape our beliefs, attitudes, and reality. I study this using a combination of algorithm auditing, social science theories, natural language processing and statistical analysis.

I am a fifth year as a PhD student at The University of Iowa in Computer Science advised by Dr. Rishab Nithyanand; working in the SPARTA lab and a member of Algorithms and Culture Research Group.


Date Update
Jul 2024 Rode in RAGBRAI
Feb 2024 Gave my proposal defense.
Nov 2023 Gave a talk @ UIUC.
Nov 2023 Gave a talk @ UIowa.
Oct 2023 Attended CSCW23.
Jul 2023 Learned how to swim.
Jun 2023 Presented @ ICWSM23.
May 2023 Served as a reviewer for AEJMC.
May 2023 Conducted an ML workshop for REU NSF.
May 2023 Received travel grant for PETS 2023.
Mar 2023 Paper Accepted "Morbid Realities" @ ICWSM 23.
Sep 2022 Received Graduate College Post-Comp Research Fellowship @ UIowa.
Jun 2022 Presented @ ICWSM22.
Apr 2022 Attended CHI22.
Mar 2022 Paper Accepted "Making a Radical Misogynist" @ CSCW 22.
Mar 2022 Paper Accepted "Fourth Estate" @ ICWSM 22.
Jan 2022 Featured in Dare to Discover @ UIowa.
Nov 2021 Paper Accepted "Act or React" @ ICWSM 22.
Sep 2021 Presented our work "Act or React" @ LUMS.
Jun 2021 Attended ICWSM 21.
Aug 2020 Teaching Assistant for HCI.
Jan 2020 Teaching Assistant for Object Oriented Programming.
Aug 2019 Teaching Assistant for Data Structures.
Aug 2019 Started my PhD @ UIowa.
May 2019 Left TPI Lab @ LUMS.